Design Sunshine Coast QLD
- July 2014

A Fresh New Take on Building Design QLD

Neil ParkerIf someone were to tell you that your next home was going to be made out of shipping containers, you would likely imagine that the architect behind the design had gone mad. Your mind would very quickly be changed, though, if said property looked anything like the beach house that is the talk of the Sunshine Coast and beyond.

The property, known as “The Beach Box,” was designed by OCE Group Architects, with the finished home made entirely from old shipping containers. The stunning design has caught the eye of many people, including the jury at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2014 Sunshine Coast Regional Architecture Awards. A total of 12 regional awards were handed out from an initial group of 22. The Beach Box took home the coveted Gabriel Pole Award for building of the year, along with the regional award.

Cost-effectiveness of the design

The jury at the event were particularly impressed with the cost-effectiveness of the design, as well as being more than happy with how well the unorthodox design was able to fit so seamlessly into the suburb of Buddina.

Recycling design qldRather than making it just a plain old rectangular space, the architects employed pop-outs that gave the property a bit more width. They also linked up decks, courtyards, and other elements of the property to create a natural flow. The use of clever landscaping and outdoor furniture helped The Beach House blend into the surrounding area, as opposed to being the “sore thumb” that many people might imagine a shipping container home might be. The winning design will now move on to the state Queensland Architecture awards which take place in Brisbane.

While there are plenty of people who will view this particular project as being incredibly unique, it is in fact not the first time that shipping containers have been used to create housing. One of the places where this type of housing has become incredibly popular is in China, where shipping containers are routinely turned into homes for the millions of migrant workers that make a living there. This move is being heralded by many as a great way to help the environment, as the high level of trade that goes on there would result in a slew of containers being left to rust and rot where they not re-purposed in this way.

A little more upscale in the shipping container design world are the apartments in France that have all been built using the steel giants. These units are in fact luxury waterfront properties that were made using brand new containers. Time will only tell if the fad catches on across the world, but for now, the residents of The Beach Box can revel in the glory of the awards that now sit on their shelves.

Web design testimonial

Dr. Ned Computers Gold Coast QLD
Testimonial – Neil Parker , 12


"After our first extensive phone call, Neil's approach was of the the utmost professionalism, and he didn't even scoff at my low budget to get a shop online."


Linden Stewart
Dr. Ned Computers
Gold Coast QLD

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